The quick and easy way writing articles for use in internet marketing and lead generation need not be hard and time-consuming. It really can be quick and easy to write the package and publish an article. That is 250 to 400 words in length as you will read you will learn the step by step, the process of doing just that let's begin:
There are six major parts to your article, they are your
- Title
- Opening paragraph.
- Three main talking points
- Your resource box.
The purpose of your title is to grab your readers attention you can get the title ideas from popular article sites and bookmarking sites. Such as "Digg" and "stumble" upon other ways to jump-start your title creativity is to be controversial or be very specific in your titles.
Opening paragraph:
After your title, your opening paragraph lets your reader know, what your article is all about and why they should be interested in continuing to read you can start your opening paragraph by using an "if-then" statement.
Begin by telling a story or talk about the mistakes people most often make on the particular topic of your article here are a few opening lines that are proven to be effective. if you're trying to 'X' then here's how to save yourself 'Y' when it comes to 'X' here's what you should know about and then continue on after your opening line.
Three main talking points:
Then introduce your three main talking points, and also tell them the benefit of reading. The article and what pain they will avoid by reading. The articles now that you've written the opening paragraph. It's time to write the article the body which consists of your "Three main
talking point paragraphs" each of these three paragraphs could have three sub-points, that you can turn into sentences to help you write them quickly based on a simple outline. That you create open each talking point paragraph, with a general statement and then introduce and explain in more detail using each sub-point,
the content of the talking point paragraphs and of course you will want to create smooth transitions from one talking point to the next using phrases, that connect one idea to another it's also good to write a summary paragraph, to help the reader remember the important ideas and concepts. They should take away from reading the article and then smoothly transition.
The Resource Box:
The last major part of your article 'The resource box'. When crafting your resource box doesn't just end your article instead have your last main talking point transition into your resource box. You can make it a call to action but don't try to sell you can make an offer of more information a free report an audio-video or something else of high perceived value. The point is to get them to click and come to your site for the next action. You want them to take such as sign up for something so you now have them in your follow up database here's a few closing thoughts, don't make it hard to write articles don't try to reinvent. The wheel just model the success of others keep it simple and right conversationally come back in a day to proofread and check your spelling and grammar don't make it a sales letter or full of hype don't plagiarize the work of others and be sure to consider turning your articles into audio and video versions too for alternative ways to get traffic to your sites. If you'd like more information on getting more traffic more sales and more results from everything you do online visit internet
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