Save Money by Consolidating Your Hosting

Save Money by Consolidating Your Hosting
If you have multiple shared accounts for a bunch of websites, you can save money by consolidating your hosting onto one Hostgator reseller account. Doing this would make managing your collection of sites a whole load easier too!One reason you'd have several small shared hosting packages dotted all over the place is if you were caught up in the old SEO method of hosting a small personal network of

Why the Latest Hostgator Coupon is the Best Choice for November 2013

Why the Latest Hostgator Coupon is the Best Choice for November 2013
We're already in November 2013 and people starting a new hosting package with Hostgator can save 25% with coupon NOWSAVE25PC. But why is it the best choice of coupon to save money with?The truth is that when you try to use a discount coupon code during the sign up process for the best in hosting with fast server load times and top quality service, you really want it to be valid and to work first